Exynos vs snapdragon

Which one is better Snapdragon or Exynos?

Conclusion. So to simply answer the question, whether Exynos is better than Snapdragon or not? The answer will be that Qualcomm Snapdragon processors are far superior to Exynos in almost all sectors.

Can Exynos beat Snapdragon?

The results were published on the same date, showing that the Exynos 2200 handily beat the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 in the multi-core category but lost to its biggest rival in the single-core test.

Is Snapdragon faster than Exynos?

While Exynos processors have more chips, Snapdragon chips can be overclocked and achieve much higher processing speeds than the Exynos ones. … When it comes to RAM speeds, the Exynos is much faster because it has a smaller semiconductor that can handle a lot of memory at faster speeds.

Why do Samsung use Exynos?

Many YouTubers and reviewers found that the Exynos SoC gets hotter faster and getting lower battery life compared to the Snapdragon SoC based model, and a lot of Samsung smartphones fans have complained about it to the company.

Is Exynos good for gaming?

Built with a 64-bit octa-core CPU and a powerful GPU, the Exynos 9611 processor lets the users to do more of their favorite activities such as gaming thanks to a robust performance that fits the evolved mobile devices.

Is Exynos 2100 good for gaming?

On Geekbench, the Exynos 2100 got a score of 1,108 points for single-core and 3,963 points for multi-core while the Snapdragon 888's single-core score is 1135 and multi-core score is 3739. So here also the Samsung Exynos 2100 is ahead of Snapdragon 888.

Is Exynos 2100 good for photography?

The Exynos 2100 is a camera powerhouse, offering 200MP camera support as well as support for up to six cameras and concurrent data processing from four sensors.

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