Flexura coli sinistra

What are the flexures of the colon?

Your colon has two flexures: one on the right side and one on the left. The splenic flexure is called that because it's near your spleen, but sometimes it's called the left colic flexure because it's on the left side of your body. Your small intestine meets your colon in your lower right abdomen.

What does hepatic flexure syndrome feel like?

feeling of fullness. abdominal distention, or bloating. excessive gas or flatulence. belching.

What happens at hepatic flexure?

The right colic or hepatic flexure separates the ascending and transverse colon, and the left colic or splenic flexure separates the transverse and descending colon. In dogs and cats, the large intestine contributes 20% to 25% of the total (small and large) intestinal length.

What is the colic angle?

There are two colic flexures, or curvatures in the transverse colon. The one on the right, the right colic flexure is also known as the hepatic flexure. The one on the left, the left colic flexure is also known as the splenic flexure….

Colic flexures
LatinFlexura coli
Anatomical terminology

What does the mesocolon do?

The mesocolon or mesentery of the sigmoid colon provides a major avenue for spread of disease between the abdominal cavity and the pelvis. It is directly continuous with the posterior bare area of the colon, the bare area of the rectum, and in females, the broad ligament.

What is the purpose of the Taeniae coli of the large intestines?

The muscularis propria of the large intestine consists of an inner circular muscle layer and an outer longitudinal layer, which is not continuous, being concentrated into three bands, the taeniae coli. These muscle layers are responsible for propulsion of the gut contents by peristalsis.

Can hepatic flexure cause pain?

Pain in IBS may be focal at the splenic flexure or the hepatic flexure, it may or may not be associated with disturbed bowel habit and there is usually localised tenderness in this area.

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