Lady diana anorexia

When was Diana at her thinnest?

ROYAL author Sally Bedell Smith has revealed that Princess Diana's waist shrank to a tiny 23 inches, just weeks before her wedding to Prince Charles in July 1981. In her book, Charles: The Misunderstood Prince, Smith claims Diana – aged 19 at the time – lost nearly 14 pounds in the run-up to her wedding.

What were Diana’s last words?

He said that the princess asked him, “My God, what has happened?” It was only later that he found out the victim was Princess Diana, and that these would be her final words.

What personality type is Princess Diana?

As an ESFP, Princess Diana tends to be friendly, opportunistic, and supportive. Princess Diana usually likes to go with the flow of things.

Why did they weigh Diana in Spencer?

In Spencer, guests were expected to gain at least three pounds to prove to their family members that they had indulged and enjoyed themselves during the holidays. While we can assume that this tradition is still followed, it's unclear whether Queen Elizabeth II is actually looking for an exact measure on the scale.

Where are Diana and Camilla friends?

Though it's unlikely that Diana and Camilla shared any sort of meaningful friendship, they were photographed together on October 24, 1980, at the Ludlow Racecourse, where they watched Charles compete in a horse race. Photos show the pair in conversation and looking slightly jovial in one another's company.

Was Diana wearing a seatbelt?

Diana and Fayed were the rear passengers; Trevor Rees-Jones, a member of the Fayed family's personal protection team, was in the (right) front passenger seat. The occupants were not wearing seat belts.

Did Charles attend Diana’s funeral?

Five male family members — former father-in-law Prince Philip, sons Prince William and Prince Harry, ex-husband Prince Charles and brother Charles Spencer, 9th Earl Spencer — followed Princess Diana's casket on foot past hundreds of thousands of mourners during her funeral procession to Westminster Abbey in London on …

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