Negative thixotropy definition

A phenomenon related to thixotropy is antithixotropy (negative thixotropy), which is defined as: “the time increase in viscosity due to shear deformation.” … The result is that during flow the network breaks down into separate flocks, which decrease in size further when the strain rate is increased.

What is the negative thixotropy?

Negative thixotropy, also called antithixotropy, is the effect of a flow-induced increase in viscosity that has been observed for many polymer solutions. … The model assumes a dynamic gel or network in the polymer solution, whose cross-links are dynamically formed and broken.

What do you mean by thixotropic?

A thixotropic fluid is one that takes a fixed time to return to its equilibrium viscosity when subjected to abrupt changes in shear rate. In other words, the liquid becomes less viscous (thinner or flows more easily) when shaken, stirred, agitated or otherwise stressed.

What is thixotropy rheology?

In rheology thixotropic behavior is defined as time-dependent behavior. It means a reduction of the structural strength during a constant shear load phase and a more or less rapid but complete regeneration of the structure during the subsequent rest phase.

What is pharmacy thixotropy?

Thixotropy is a time-dependent shear thinning property. Certain gels or fluids that are thick or viscous under static conditions will flow (become thinner, less viscous) over time when shaken, agitated, shear-stressed, or otherwise stressed (time-dependent viscosity).

What is the role of thixotropy in formulation?

6.5. Thixotropic property plays a key role in liquid filling of hard gelatin capsules, and there is a positive relationship between the dispersed phase for the proper filling of molten dispersions into capsules and apparent viscosity of the formulation [59].

What is the thixotropy of soil?

Thixotropy is a softening process caused by remoulding, followed by a time-dependent return to the original harder state. Seng [1] defined thixotropy as the phenomenon in which soil has hardening, over time, under constant humidity or volume conditions after a remoulding process.

What is muscle thixotropy?

Relaxed skeletal muscle has an inbuilt resistance to movement. In particular, the resistance manifests itself as a substantial stiffness for small movements. … Because the resistance to movement increases with time at rest and is reduced by movement, this behavior has become known as muscle thixotropy.

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