Omo vs ariel

Is Omo better than Ariel?

Ariel laundry detergents may "remove tough stains better in one wash", but its record with the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is not as squeaky clean. … In Unilever's latest complaint it said that Ariel claimed its Ariel Auto outperformed Omo in fighting “food greasy stains” without backing up the claim.

Is Omo the best washing powder?

"This year our testing has revealed that Omo Laundry Detergent Triple Capsules are the most effective laundry detergent for front loaders, with an overall score of 85 per cent," said CHOICE expert Ashley Iredale.

Is Omo Ariel?

The Lord of the ring also became the generic name for detergents in Nigeria. However, Omo has lost that peak position to Ariel, the new market leader. … So Klin which started nibbling at the fringes of Omo's market share came into the market with an innovation – white detergent, an industry first.

Is Omo detergent good?

Great results I've been using Omo washing powder for six years now. I wasn't sure how it would perform, as I only ever wash in cold water. I am very pleased with the results that I get each time, I don't even have to soak stained clothing, or pretteat the stains.

What is in Omo laundry detergent?

Water, C12-C15 Pareth-7, Sodium Dodecylbenzenesulfonate, Glycerin, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Propylene Glycol, Tea-Cocoate, Perfume, Sodium Diethylenetriamine Pentamethylene Phosphonate, Disodium Distyrylbiphenyl Disulfonate, Protease, Amylase, Mannanase, Styrene/Acrylates Copolymer, Benzisothiazolin-3-One, Ci 42051.

Is Omo Australian made?

The genuine Omo product normally retails for between $35 and $40 and is manufactured in New Zealand for the Australian market.

Does Omo contain bleach?

Some laundry products, such as OMO Handwash, contain colour-safe oxygen bleach that is specially designed for excellent stain removal when washing whites and colours. This is different to household bleach which is chlorine-based and can easily damage colours.

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