Paraffin wax uses in histopathology

In histopathology, paraffin wax is used for embedding surgical specimens. Hot liquid wax is dispensed into a small tray and allowed to cool. A specimen is placed into the cooling wax in the desired orientation.

Why is paraffin wax used in histology?

What is the paraffin technique? In this technique, tissues are fixed, and embedded in wax. This makes the tissue hard, and much easier to cut sections from. The sections are then stained, and examined with the light microscope.

What are paraffin waxes used for?

Paraffin wax is obtained from petroleum by dewaxing light lubricating oil stocks. It is used in candles, wax paper, polishes, cosmetics, and electrical insulators. It assists in extracting perfumes from flowers, forms a base for medical ointments, and supplies a waterproof coating for wood.

What is the use of paraffin wax in laboratory?

In a histology or pathology laboratory, paraffin wax is used to impregnate tissue prior to sectioning thin samples of tissue. Water is removed from the tissue through ascending strengths of alcohol (75% to absolute) and the tissue is cleared in an organic solvent such as xylene.

Why paraffin wax is used in microtome sectioning?

Paraffin wax in microtome sectioning is meant to provide structural support to the tissue sample so that it can smoothly undergo the process of slicing by the microtome without any morphological or microscopic damage to the sample.

What is histopathology techniques?

In order to study tissues with a microscope they must be preserved (fixed) and cut into sections thin enough to be translucent. Fundamentally it consists of a chemical or physical method of killing the tissue and yet retaining characteristic peculiarities of shape and structure. …

What is Celloidin in histopathology?

Celloidin is a sulfated and nitrated cellulose which can be used in solution to infiltrate small to medium sized specimens. It can also be used in 0.5-1% solution as a covering over sections to retain difficult section on slides.

What is the uses of wax?

Waxes are widely used throughout the world for a range of applications, including packaging, coatings, cosmetics, foods, adhesives, inks, castings, crayons, chewing gum, polishes and – of course – candles.

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