Processus styloideus radii

What is a styloid process radius?

The radial styloid process is found on the lateral surface of the distal radius bone. It extends obliquely downward into a strong, conical projection. … The lateral surface is marked by a flat groove for the tendons of the abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis.

What is the function of the radial styloid?

The radial styloid process projects obliquely downward from the distal end of the radius. It serves as the point of attachment for the brachioradialis muscle and the radial collateral ligament. Laterally, the tendons of extensor pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis longus run in a flat groove.

Is the styloid process of the radius palpable?

The distal forearm is bordered laterally by the radial styloid process and medially by the ulnar styloid process. The radial tubercle, also called Lister's tubercle, is a small, palpable projection on the dorsal aspect of the distal radius.

What is radial Styloiditis?

sty·loi·di·tis [1,2,3,4] It is also known as radial styloiditis. Patients complained of pain and inflammation over the the radial styloid region which is exacerbated by movement and activity requiring ulnar deviation with a clenched fist and flexion of thumb at metacarpophalangeal joint.

What is the function of the styloid process of the ulna?

There's a bony projection at the end of the ulna, near your hand, called the ulnar styloid process. It fits into the cartilage of your wrist joint and plays an important role in the strength and flexibility of your wrist and forearm.

What does the styloid process of the ulna articulate with?

The ulna tapers distally and ends in the styloid process, which articulates with the lateral part of the carpus.

What is tenosynovitis of left radial styloid?

De Quervain's tenosynovitis — or radial styloid tenosynovitis — is a painful condition affecting tendons on the thumb side of the wrist. The sheaths that cover the tendons and sometimes the tendons of the thumb become inflamed. When that happens, it's painful to move your wrist.

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