Shakira and jennifer lopez super bowl

How much did JLo and Shakira make Super Bowl?

Reuters reports the 2020 show with Jennifer Lopez and Shakira rang in at $13 million. Lady Gaga's 2017 performance, where fans saw a pre-recording of her cascade down from the top of NRG Stadium, wasn't far behind with a cost of $10 million, according to Yahoo finance.

Did Shakira and Jennifer Lopez lip sync at the Super Bowl?

Jennifer Lopez and Shakira star in hip-shaking, pole-dancing, history-making Super Bowl halftime show. … Indeed, Shakira herself appeared to be lip-syncing for much of her set — at least until she dove into the crowd for “Hips Don't Lie,” in which you could hear her exhorting those holding her aloft.

Did JLo get paid for Super Bowl halftime?

The Super Bowl halftime show is one of the most coveted gigs on live TV with millions tuning in each year. Despite this, the organization has not paid its star performers — Shakira, Jennifer Lopez, The Black Eyed Peas, Beyoncé, Bruno Mars, Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake and others — in years.

Did Shakira get paid for Super Bowl performance?

Despite the success of each performer's respective careers, many are surprised to discover that the Pepsi-sponsored headliners and guest acts for each Super Bowl halftime show are not paid for their performances.

Who Turned Down Super Bowl halftime?

Rihanna Rihanna. Back in 2019, Rihanna told Vogue she had turned down a halftime spot in support of former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who became embroiled in controversy for kneeling during pre-game national anthem performances to protest police brutality against Black Americans.

How much does JLO charge to perform?

1. Jennifer Lopez: $1 Million — $5 Million.

Did Lady Gaga lip sync the Super Bowl?

One performer who did not go the lip-syncing route when she performed in 2017 is Lady Gaga. In fact, the singer urged other acts after her not to either.

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