Sister in law

Definition of sister-in-law 1 : the sister of one's spouse. 2a : the wife of one's sibling. b : the wife of one's spouse's sibling.

Why do we say sister-in-law?

noun, plural sis·ters-in-law. the wife of one's brother or sister. … the wife of one's spouse's sister or brother.

What relation is a sister-in-law?

Your sister-in-law is the sister of your husband or wife, or the woman who is married to your brother.

What is your sister-in-law’s daughter called?

Related questions (More answers below) , Attorney and writer. If your sister-in-law remains married, her daughter is your niece. If she is your sister-in-law via your husband's family, then you and your husband also need to remain married also for her to technically be your niece.

Is a sister-in-law a sibling?

One's sibling-in-law is the sibling of one's spouse or the spouse of one's sibling. By gender, this is specified as brother-in-law for the brother of one's spouse or the husband of one's sibling, and sister-in-law for the sister of one's spouse or the wife of one's sibling.

What is an in law family?

: a relative by marriage and especially the mother or father of a person's husband or wife.

What do I call my boyfriend’s sister?

Your husband's sister is your sister-in-law. You would most likely call her by her first name ( or perhaps whatever your husband calls her.)

What is husband’s brother’s wife called?

co-sister-in-law Your husband's brother's wife is called your co-sister-in-law, meaning you share the “sister-in-law” relationship with your husband.

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