Whatsapp business giriş

How much does WhatsApp Business cost?

WhatsApp Business is free to download and was built with the small business owner in mind. The app makes it easy to personally connect with your customers, highlight your products and services, and answer their questions throughout their shopping experience.

What are the benefits of WhatsApp Business account?

III. The Benefits of WhatsApp Business

  • Convenient Two-Way Communications. …
  • Improved Customer Care. …
  • Brand-Verified Conversations. …
  • Global Reach. …
  • Automatically Initiate More Conversations. …
  • Added Security With Customer Messaging Opt-In. …
  • Use Message Templates. …
  • Save Time With Quick Replies.

Is WhatsApp Business API free?

The WhatsApp Business API is launching to let businesses respond to messages from users for free for up to 24 hours, but will charge them a fixed rate by country per message sent after that. … If users get quick answers via WhatsApp, they'll prefer it to other channels.

What are the features of WhatsApp Business?

12 WhatsApp Business Features You Should Know About

  • Business Profile.
  • Quick Replies.
  • Automatic Greeting Message.
  • Automatic Away Message.
  • Contacts Labels.
  • Message Statistics.
  • Catalogs.
  • Interactive Business Message.

Is Zuckerberg buying WhatsApp?

Facebook purchased WhatsApp in 2014. … WhatsApp has over $2 billion users.

What is the difference between WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business?

WhatsApp Business allows you to create a profile tailored to suit the products and services offered by your business. Compared to the regular WhatsApp, where you can only have a profile photo, name, and description, WhatsApp Business includes additional features. … Business address.

Can I use WhatsApp Business for personal?

For those who use a business number and a personal one, both the WhatsApp Business and WhatsApp Messenger apps can be used on the same device and registered with your different numbers. WhatsApp Business is also compatible with WhatsApp Web, the app's desktop web browser client.

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